目前分類:讀新聞學英文 (34)
- Jan 26 Tue 2021 15:21
- Nov 24 Tue 2015 15:35
近來最夯的新聞,莫過於對房價議題的討論了,你可知道台灣人常說的「打房」,該怎麼用英文表達呢?可別用hit house這種兩光的洋脛濱英文唷,快來學學最專業的說法吧!
- Aug 30 Fri 2013 11:04
- Aug 26 Mon 2013 11:09
中英對照讀新聞》New fathers feel more attractive after their partner gives birth 寶寶出生讓新手爸爸感覺更有魅力
- Aug 15 Thu 2013 10:24
- Jul 03 Wed 2013 15:36
中英對照讀新聞》調查顯示 美國員工放假時對智慧型手機又愛又恨
- May 21 Tue 2013 17:32
中英對照讀新聞》帥哥多賺兩成薪 美女無優勢
- Mar 01 Fri 2013 10:27
中英文新聞》研究:婚姻對心臟有益Marriage is good for the heart:study
- Jan 22 Tue 2013 11:16
中英對照讀新聞》Eating cherries could cut gout 吃櫻桃可能減少痛風
- Dec 13 Thu 2012 10:44
- Oct 15 Mon 2012 14:07
- Aug 23 Thu 2012 09:31
- Jul 11 Wed 2012 10:14
- Jun 12 Tue 2012 11:50
- May 29 Tue 2012 11:07
- May 07 Mon 2012 11:00
中英對照》Boy in China sells kidney to buy iPhone 中國少年賣腎買iPhone
A teenage high-school student in China sold his kidney for an illicit transplant operation and used the proceeds to buy an Apple iPhone and iPad, state press said.
- Apr 25 Wed 2012 12:09
《中英對照讀新聞》Researchers ferret out reasons for runner's high 研究人員找出跑者愉悅感的原因
You’ve probably had the feeling. Your running shoes are pounding the pavement--then suddenly your pain fades away, and you’re feeling euphoric. The runner’s high.
- Apr 13 Fri 2012 09:37
Taking dogs to work reduces employee stress 帶狗上工降低員工壓力
Bringing pet dogs to work can reduce stress and make the job more satisfying for other employees, a study suggests. US researchers found those with access to dogs were less stressed as the day went on than those who had none.
- Apr 09 Mon 2012 09:22
I’m busted by the end of the month. 我是月光族
「月光族」指的就是一個人很會花錢,每到月底就把錢花光光,英文可以說:「I’m tapped out by the end of the month.」tap out的原意是「在賭博中輸掉全部錢財」,口語上可當「花光錢;沒錢」之意。也可說:「I’m broke by the end of the month.」「I’m busted by the end of the month.」
A:Isn’t Gloria just some bookkeeper in a small company? She seems to have a lot of money to spend!
- Apr 05 Thu 2012 09:16
中英對照新聞》Facebook ’friend’ 意外揭發男子另一個老婆
Bigamists beware:Thanks to Facebook, keeping your wives from finding out about each other is almost impossible these days.