Clapping reveals applause is a ’social contagion’
The quality of a performance does not drive the amount of applause an audience gives, a study suggests.
Instead scientists have found that clapping is contagious, and the length of an ovation is influenced by how other members of the crowd behave.
They say it takes a few people to start clapping for applause to spread through a group, and then just one or two individuals to stop for it to die out.
Lead author Dr Richard Mann, from the University of Uppsala, said:"You can get quite different lengths of applause - even if you have the same quality of performance. This is purely coming from the dynamics of the people in the crowd."
But the performance that had been witnessed - no matter how brilliant - had little effect on the duration of the noisy acclaim.
The scientists believe that clapping is a form of "social contagion", which reveals how ideas and actions gain and lose momentum.
Studying this, they say, could shed light on other areas, such as how trends come in and go out of fashion or how ideas spread on the internet.
die out:動詞片語,滅絕,漸漸停止、消失。例句:Several species are dying out at an alarming rate.(數個物種正以驚人速度滅絕。)
acclaim:動詞或名詞,歡呼、讚揚。例句:The artist’s latest works received huge acclaim.(這名藝術家的最新作品受到極大的讚揚。)
go out of fashion:動詞片語,退流行、過時。例句:The style of this dress went out of fashion many years ago.(這件洋裝的款式好幾年前就過時了。)
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