讓你學英文輕鬆又自在的柯琳老師 (Teacher Coleen)
Hi! My name is Teacher Coleen. My star sign is Aquarius, and I was born in the year of the dragon. I am very sociable, friendly, and honest. I work hard, and spend my free time baking, cooking, and learning about Asian cultures, particularly the Chinese and Korean cultures. I graduated from the Ateneo de Manila University, with a degree in Chinese Studies.
您好!我的名字是柯琳,水瓶座,生肖屬龍。我非常善於交際,對人友善、以誠待人。我工作努力,閒暇之餘喜歡烘焙、烹飪、學習亞洲文化,特別是中國和韓國的文化。我從Ateneo de Manila大學畢業,主修中文。
I love teaching conversational English because I not only help students learn English, but I can also get to know them as a person. Whenever I teach, I don't feel like working at all because I enjoy doing it so much.
My students can expect me to be very understanding, and patient. I do not rush or force my students to learn in a flash. I make sure that I give them enough time, and examples, so they can really learn. I also make sure that they feel comfortable with every class because it is easier for us to learn if we are relaxed, and comfortable.
I praise my students a lot, especially if they are doing a good job. I believe that encouraging them will also help them learn the language more.
教學經歷(年) Teaching Experience (Year):
超過1年 over 1 year
適合學員 Student Level:
2級~6級 Level 2~Level 6
教學專長Teaching Professional Specialty:
英文發音、英文文法、日常英文會話 Pronunciation, Grammar, Daily Conversation
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