blog-noname  帶您用英文看世界的佑希老師 (Teacher Yoshi)     


Hello! This is Teacher Yoshi! I am from Japan, but I was born and raised in the Philippines. I was educated in a private American school from Kindergarten to High school. Thereafter, I completed my Bachelors degree in Economics at the University of Michigan. Since then, I have worked in the United States, Taiwan, and the Philippines.


I have travelled the world and experienced diverse cultures and interacted with different levels of English speakers. I have been to Australia, Singapore, United States, Canada, Italy, France, Holland, Denmark, Turkey, Thailand, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Philippines, Japan, and of course, the best: Taiwan. One thing I have learned is that English is a very important language. Wherever we go or whomever we meet, English is usually the common platform for most communication.


More than a year ago, I began to grow a passion for teaching English. Since then, I have been teaching English as a second language to students online; most of whom are mainly from Korea and Japan. Through “Hi!Tutor”, we can work together to bring out the best in your English language abilities.


Remember, the best way to learn, is to have fun! I guarantee that after a few classes with me, your English abilities will surpass your expectations! Have a great day and Thank you!


教學經歷(年) Teaching Experience (Year):
超過1年 more than 1 year

適合學員:Suitable level
2級~9級 Level 2~Level 9

教學專長Teaching Professional Specialty :
日常英語會話、商務英語 Daily Conversation, Business English


諮詢專線: 0809-090-566   手機請撥 04-3704-2882

線上客服Skypehitutor    MSN  /

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