
【經濟日報╱朱文章】2011.11.19 02:17 am

電影《功夫》裡豬籠城寨遭斧頭幫欺凌,不得安寧(put a damper on their peace);居民還擊,個個身手不凡:賣力氣的苦力強是12路譚腿高手;麵店老闆油炸鬼擅長五郎八卦棍;裁縫店裁縫是洪家鐵線拳傳人;包租公與包租婆是神鵰俠侶-男的是太極拳高手,女的竟會「獅子吼」!三兩下打得歹人狗吃屎(bite the dust),歹徒這才知道在太歲頭上動土(beard the lion in his den )。

武林高手喋血一生(to fight like Kilkenny cats),最終選擇隱姓埋名,無非取其「從眾」(all cats are gray in the dark),金盆洗手之意。但也有人故意藏鋒,像古龍小說《風雲第一刀》中的荊無命,左手劍法讓他江湖成名,足以力擋強敵(keep his enemy at bay);但其右手劍其實更勝一籌,一旦必殺技(game changer)出手,對手定然死亡,也因而無人知曉此一秘密。


中國人的觀念傾向守密,因為可以穩操勝算(bet our bottom dollar);但西方賽局理論則認為:擁有足以嚇阻對方蠢動的核子武器,卻不讓對方知道,這種想法只能自我壯膽(be whistling in the dark),事實上沒有任何戰略意義。


例:"The invading gangsters are about to put a damper on the peace in the neighborhood."「歹徒囂張橫行,小鎮不得安寧。」"All the Axe gangsters bit the dust when the inhabitants hit back."「居民反擊,斧頭幫潰不成軍。」

"Attacking these Kung-fu masters in the small village is like bearding the lion in his den."「攻擊這些化身市井小民的功夫大師,等於太歲頭上動土。」

"People say, 'All cats are gray in the dark,' the difference between them and the ordinary people counted with these Kung-fu masters."「功夫大師在意他們和市井小民之間(外表上)的差別,因為他們就希望自己不要鶴立雞群。」

"To win the zero-sum game, they need to fight like Kilkenny cats."「戰況激烈,雙方拚得你死我活。」"For Jin Wu-ming, fighting with a sword in his left hand is a way of keeping his enemy at bay."「荊無命左手劍使得虎虎生風,力拒群雄。」

"No one knows he can handle sword with his right hand dexterously. If he goes ahead by surprise it will be a game changing moment."「無人知曉他右手使劍如此威猛;所以他一旦出手,擋者披靡。」

"We would bet our bottom dollar that these Kung-fu masters under the disguise of ordinary people will overwhelm the gangsters."「我們可以確信:這些隱身於野的功夫大師必然打敗歹徒。」

"The Russians seem pretty sure they would win the war with the Doomsday Machine, but they might just be whistling in the dark."「俄國人以為擁有別人不知道的秘密武器,就能贏得戰爭,殊不知這只是自我壯膽而已。」



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