英文履歷的目的不是要展示你的英文能力,而是藉由文字把自己的WORK EXPERIENCE以及EDUCATION等資料交代清楚,讓雇主瞭解你是不是他們所需要的人才。除了善用各網路人力銀行提供的英文履歷格式,你也可以自行設計個人化的英文履歷表,以下是撰寫英文履歷與自傳,你必須掌握的幾項基本原則:
1. C.V or Resume:
C.V是curriculum vitae的縮寫,與Resume一樣都是指英文履歷,兩者的差別只在於C.V是簡歷,比一般的Resume更為簡短的簡歷表。
(1)個人資料 (Personal Data)
(2)應徵職務 (Job Objective, Desired Position)
(3)專長 (Summary of Skills, Highlights of Qualifications)
(4)教育 (Education)
(5)工作經驗/社團經驗 (Work Experience, Job History/Extra Curriculum Experience)
包括欄位:Name(姓名)、Present address(地址)、Telephone(電話)、 Date of birth(生日)、Marital status(婚姻狀況)、 Language skills(語言能力)。
包括欄位:College或University(校名)、Degree(學位)、Major Courses(主修)。由最近畢業到曾經就讀學校,並註明起訖時間。
◎WORK history(工作經驗)
包括欄位:Organization Name(公司名)、Position(職位)、Description of Responsibility (職務簡述)、(From To)每份工作的時期
◎(Summary of Skills, Highlights of Qualifications) 專長
包括欄位:Skills(工作技能)、Working Knowledge(相關訓練)、Accomplishment(相關成績與成就)可依各項目的重要性或與應徵職務關係的程度先後順序加以說明。
4. 正確使用文法,彙與語句簡單明瞭即可;太過細節的個人資料可視情況省略,如薪資、身高體重、興趣等。
5 自傳(AUTOBIOGRAPHY)是個人背景以及學、經歷、專長的附加說明,只要充分明白的補充或強調自己的優點與想法即可,不需長篇大論或使用艱深的語句,通常以四到五段為主,並且也是儘量濃縮在一張A4頁面當中。自傳應包含以下幾個部份:
My name is Chan Siu Lin,From Tai-chung. I graduated from Soochow University and my major was in History. There are 4 people in my family. My father works in the trade company as a sales representative., and my mother is a house wife….
Because of coming to Taiwan to study, I developed an independent personality. In order to lighten my parents burden, I took several part-time job, like waitress, sales assistant, .From those working experience, I learned many great skills in dealing with people.
In college period, I was awarded of the multi-characteristics of Internet. So I browsed all kinds of multi-media design and try to learn every courses of communication issue that school offered such as programming, marketing, design, writing and even filming. In addition, I prepared myself to be one who can use design tools very well. Therefore, I’ve got the design concept and sense through implementation experience. I have designed several websites, such as JongHeng Storage Company
I am outgoing ,easy to get along with, and very active .I was a member of social service club, and being the president of the club. Because of this position, I learned more things, like leadership skills, organizing group activities and designing posters and cards.
I am an easy-going individual, in that I can deal with colleagues harmoniously in any situations. I believe in team work that offers the magic power such as 1+1>2. Of course, I will never ignore the independent work ability.
After serving mandatory military service, I am now ready to devote myself to the Internet world.