熱情活潑的戴爾老師 (Teacher Del)
Hi! My name is Teacher Del, and I was born in the year of the rooster, under the star sign Libra. And like they say, Librans are gentle and understanding people, and characters are on the whole balanced, diplomatic and even-tempered.
嗨,我是Del老師。我是雞年出生的天秤座,像很多人所說的,天秤座是很溫和善解人意的人,在團體中,天秤座是個討喜的人物、親和愛交際 。
I am sociable, outgoing and fair in dealing with others. I graduated with a degree in Business Administration with a major in Management from the Philippine School of Business Administration in Quezon City. I have also studied Industrial Psychology from the University of the Philippines. I have been teaching ESL/ EFL for almost 7 years now. I have been teaching students of different ages and levels and I have taught TOEIC and TOEFL for quite some time.
我確實是個親和力高,又愛交際的人,在任何的場合裡都希望能維持和諧的氣氛,也扮演協調的角色。在菲律賓奎鬆市的商學院企管系畢業,也在菲律賓大學曾修過工業心理學。從事教導ESL/EFL的時間長達7年,我的學生來自不同的程度 和不同的年紀,教多益和托福的課程至今也有一段時間了。
Teaching has become a passion for me, and I love it so much so that I don’t consider it as work. Some of the things I love are writing, dancing, playing the guitar, reading, baking, cooking and watching movies. I also love supporting new businesses and making new business improvements and concepts.
Aside from meeting new friends and learning something new from them each day, it hass always been a great feeling of fulfilment that I’ve been able to help my students achieve their dreams and success.
I am always excited to meet my students because I hope they can also have fun while learning the English language the easy and interesting way. I will always be glad to be of help, to be a friend, and to make their time worthy.
You can do more than what you imagine once you tap your English proficiency, and express yourself in more ways than one. Hope to see you at Hi!Tutor!
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