blog-cyruss   讓你笑著學英文的希瑞斯老師 (Teacher Cyruss)


Hi! My name is Cyruss. Libra is my sign. Libras pursue thier dreams no matter what happens and failure is not in our vocabulary. I graduated in Arellano University with a degree in BS Nursing. On top of being a teacher, I am currently working as nursing researcher. I make examinations related to the nursing licensure exam. I specialized in enhancing our online review program.

大家好,我是天秤座的Cyruss(希瑞斯)老師!我和典型天秤座的人一樣,都會不顧一切的去追求我的夢想,而且「我的字典裡沒有放棄」!我畢業於Arellano University(亞瑞藍諾大學),而我主修護理系,因此我除了英文教學之外,也是一名護理研究員,專門負責維護護理檢定測驗的線上程式。

Teaching is not a new thing for me. When I was a student nurse, we had a course termed as “health education”. This was a subject where were taught how to provide health teachings to our patients. Before being a registered nurse, I used to work in the call center industry where my customer relation skills were sharpened. I also used to work as a loan counselor. We taught our customers how to develop repayment plans so they could catch up with their mortgage payments.


I treat my students as my friends, my siblings specifically. I believe in a fun-learning way of teaching where students can learn easily from the mistakes they make. I only have one rule in class, always wear a SMILE. :)



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