擅長文法、發音及商英的史蒂芬妮老師 (Teacher Stephanie)
Hi my name is teacher Stephanie. I've been teaching the English language for five years. I've taught students from different countries, like Taiwan, Japan and Korea. I'm a very patient and funny teacher. I teach students about aspects of English grammar, syntax or pronunciation. In addition, I also teach business English and help many students build up the skills required to be a successful communicator in English. I can work with students from different walks of life and adjust to their needs accordingly. Therefore, my teaching style is very popular among students.
I take good care of my students. It’s essential for me to make sure my students are comfortable in class and they are familiar with the previous lesson before moving forward. I always encourage my students to express their ideas on different topics and it is one of my teaching strategies so as to know whether they can cope with the lesson.
I always tell my students learning the English language is not easy but if you put your heart, mind and you make time for it definitely you will be able to learn.
In my free time, I like to surf the Internet and delve into lots of books and magazines to broaden my horizons. I also love singing. In a word, I am an open-minded, and fun-loving teacher. Join my class and you are to find out more about me. Have a nice day!
教學經歷(年): Teaching Experience (Year):
超過5年 over 5 years
1級~7級 Level 1~Level 7
教學專長:Teaching Professional Specialty :
Pronunciation, Grammar, Daily Conversation, Business English
Hitutor線上外語專家 www.hitutor.com.tw
諮詢專線: 0809-090-566 手機請撥: 04-3704-2882
線上客服Skype:hitutor MSN / EMAIL:hitutor@hotmail.com.tw