Even newborns need tickets to attend 2012 Olympics 即使是新生兒也必須持票入場2012奧運會
Parents who want to attend the 2012 London Olympics will have to buy tickets for their babies to bring them into the venues.想出席2012年倫敦奧運會的父母,將必須為寶寶買票,才能帶他們進入會場。
Organizers said Tuesday that every child _ including newborns carried in their parents’ arms _ must have their own tickets.主辦單位週二指出,每個孩子—包括抱在父母手臂裡的新生兒—也必須有門票。
The rule has panicked pregnant women who bought tickets for themselves but not for their unborn children _ and touched off outrage on the powerful British parenting website, Mumsnet. Many infuriated mothers bought Olympic tickets before they became pregnant. 這項規定讓已為自己買票,卻沒有為未出世子女購票的孕婦感到惶恐,同時在深具影響力的英國育兒網站「Mumsnet」上激起憤慨。許多火冒三丈的媽媽們,在她們懷孕前就買了奧運門票。
Some children’s tickets are available for 1 pound but they are not sold for every event, making the problem difficult to rectify.有些兒童票1英鎊就買得到,但不是每個賽事項目都有賣,這使問題難以改正。
Tickets woes of all kinds have dogged the London Olympics, as demand for seats at Olympic events from July 27-Aug. 12 has far outstripped supply.在7月27至8月12日的奧運會門票已大為供不應求之時,各樣的門票出包已讓倫敦奧會備受困擾。
touch off︰片語,觸發、引發。例句︰His speech has touched off another round of bitter debate among lawmakers over the tax cut for the wealthy.(他的演說引發國會議員,就富人減稅議題展開另一回合激辯。)
dog︰動詞指困擾、折磨、使苦惱。例句︰She is dogged by ill-health.(她受疾病折磨。)
outstrip︰超過、勝過。例句︰The demand for food outstripped supply.(食品供不應求。)