中國崛起,美國歐巴馬總統2009年訪問中國時,力推「十萬人留學中國」計畫,讓年輕學子日後變身遞出橄欖枝(to hold out the olive branch)的和平親善大使,經營(finger in the pie)中國開放的廣大市場。
印度和中國同時崛起,印度也有中國熱。印度現有500名學生在台灣深造,報載聯合國前印度籍副秘書長沙魯認為,台灣是學習中文的全球首選,我國駐印度代表翁文祺日前接受印度時報採訪,也呼籲政府施展大手筆(not Mickey Mouse),五年內從印度招來1萬名學生來台學習中文,以便在適者生存(survival of the fittest)的競爭中殺出重圍,趁勢打開台灣的外交局面,更上層樓(to go from strength to strength)。
印度電影《貧民百萬富翁》、《我的名字叫可汗》和《三個傻瓜》在台廣受好評,我們知道印度年輕人非常優秀,但競爭壓力相較於台灣有過之而無不及。孫子說:「地形有通者、我可以往,彼可以來,曰通。通形者,先居高陽,利糧道,以戰則利。」人才就像「通地」,大家爭著要,但只有呂不韋這種大政治家,才知道奇貨可居(to back the dark horse)。
他對待落魄的秦國貴族異人,絕對不小鼻子小眼睛(narrow-focus, narrow-gauge),因為他認定異人是政壇黑馬(a dark horse),無論如何都要全力爭取(at all costs)。馬英九總統不也說,哪天中國總理曾經留學過台灣,兩岸還會打仗嗎?
例:"The American President is willing to hold out the olive branch to China with whom he finds common interests to share with each other."「美國總統對中國伸出橄欖枝,以便提升兩國共同利益。」"The Americans want to have their fingers in the pie in all aspects of the Chinese market."「美國人插手中國廣大市場,想大撈一筆。」
"In order to attract, engage, and retain talents from abroad, we need real inviting projects - not Mickey Mouse ones."「要招募優秀的外國人才,我們的作法總不能小裡小氣。」
"In the brutal nature of survival of the fittest, we have to make it for the devil take the hindmost."「 弱肉強食,適者生存,我們要努力突破。」"The mutual relations between Taiwan and India will continue to go from strength to strength in the years to come."「往前看,台灣和印度雙邊關係愈來愈好。」
"Lu Bu-wei decided to back the dark horse and took the risky step of creating a scheme for Yin Yi-ren to throne in the kingdom of Qin."「呂不韋認為贏異人奇貨可居,設法讓他回秦國接班。」
"After ending his hostage years in Chao, Yi-ren returned to his mother country as a dark horse and won the kingship with the help from Lu."「有了呂不韋幫助,異人結束在趙國的人質生涯,回到母國成為政壇黑馬。」"First of all, we need to abandon the narrow-focus, narrow-gauge insular mentality in our higher education policy."「我們務必揚棄島國心態的教育政策。」
"We need to attract talents from abroad at all cost in order to boost our competitive advantage."「我們要全力吸引人才回國,來提振我們的競爭力。」
作者任教陸軍官校 【經濟日報╱朱文章】 2011.07.08 04:06 am