Few instruments can be gentler than the harp, but authorities in New York’s Central Park have branded street musicians like harpist Meta Epstein a public disturbance and want them driven out. (
A new campaign to enforce eight "quiet zones," including in some of the city’s most hallowed spots for street performers, is turning virtuosos like Epstein into outlaws. (點我說給你聽)
After years of being left in peace to perform her baroque repertoire on the beautiful, golden instrument, Epstein, 59, says she’s suddenly being treated as a menace. Park police, she said, accused her of destroying the grass where she sat and ordered her to move on. (點我說給你聽)
Central Park representatives say they have nothing against musicians. They just don’t want them in "quiet zones." "Park spokeswoman Vickie Karp said in an email. "It is not that we are against music. It is that we are for quiet," Karp said. (點我說給你聽)
The clampdown appeared to mystify tourists. Tourist Zita Misley said she’d noticed the "quiet zone" sign nearby, but hadn’t quite got the point. "Oh, I thought they put ’quiet zone’ so that we could listen to the music!" she said when told of the park’s campaign. (點我說給你聽)
◎by 王頤
give someone the boot:片語,解雇、擺脫或趕走某人。例句:John couldn’t finish the project so his boss gave him the boot.(約翰無法完成計畫,所以他的老闆就請他走路了。)
menace:名詞,具有危險性的人或事物。Drunk driving is a menace to life.(酒後駕車是會危及生命的危險行為。)
clampdown:名詞,壓制、取締、嚴禁。例句:The police arrested four suspects in a clampdown on gambling.(警方在一場抓賭行動中逮捕了四名嫌犯。)
在家學英文,全程與專業外籍老師一對一交流, 互動性高,開口說英語就跟呼吸一樣自然。