
 blog_chantal.jpg  多才多藝的泉特爾老師 (Teacher Chantal)


Hello! I’m Teacher Chantal, and my educational background is IT and Business Management. My zodiac sign is Taurus, which pretty much says a lot about me. Taureans are told to be peace-loving people, but are very determined and passionate about the things they love. (Of course, more can be said once you get to know me.) It was in my earlier years in high school that I started to fall in love with the English language. It drove me to become the editor-in-chief of my high school newspaper as well as the president of our English club. I used to conduct seminars about the language as well, but had to tone down when I entered university. In spite of that, I still practiced my skills by reading and writing fiction. When I started having a more flexible schedule, I searched for English teaching jobs and got one, but had to quit due to being busy with classes again.  

嗨,我是Chantal ,教育背景是資訊和商業管理。我是典型的金牛座,愛好和平,但非常堅毅跟執著我們所喜愛的事物。(當然,你越認識我就越知道。) 在我中學初期,我發現我愛上英文這個語言,也使我後來當上學校新聞報的主編,同時我也是英文社的社長,在上大學之前我還曾帶領一個英文研討班。除此之外,我閱讀和寫小說來練習我的專長。有一段時間課業比較輕鬆了,我開始教書,但後來課業又比較多了,只好先停止。

My specialty when it comes to English is in grammar, business English, and technical writing. These are attributed to my former position as editor-in-chief and being an IT/business management student now. Even so, I enjoy teaching conversational English as well because I feel that it enables me to know more about my students. Other than that, my interests are IT trends, literature, music (specifically Japanese rock), management, and web designing. If the students are interested about any of those topics, they can definitely ask me more about them. 

在教英文上我的強項是在文法、商業英文,和如何撰寫商業文件。這都歸功於我過去擔任過主編,以及主修商業管理。 我也很喜歡教英文會話,透過英文會話課我可以更了解我的學生。除此之外,我還喜歡資訊管理、文學、音樂(特別是日本的搖滾樂)、商業管理還有設計網頁。如果有對我剛提到的主題感興趣的學生,可以問我相關的資訊喔!

As I mentioned earlier, Taureans are determined people, and I’m definitely determined to make classes as fun as possible for the students. I believe that if a person enjoys what he’s learning, then he’s learning well. But a class – online, in our case – isn’t just a one way street. I also believe that teachers are supposed to learn from their students, and I’m more than willing to learn from you guys as well. While I teach you what you need and want to learn about the English language, I also get to learn things from you, which is a pretty sweet deal, right? I hope to see you in one of my classes!



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