可能很多美眉最大的夢想是嫁入豪門!有人會公開承認,可以對著老天爺說:I want to marry rich! (點我聽發音)

此外,豪門通常不只有錢,還有社會地位,因此若想嫁入豪門,也可說:I want to marry a rich and powerful guy.(點我聽發音)(我想嫁個有錢有勢的人)。 

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《中英對照讀新聞》Apple’s tongue-tied Siri faces ’Singlish’ rival 蘋果辭窮的Siri面臨「星式英語」敵手


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This product is the bomb right now !(這商品正夯!)--點我聽看看發音

台灣每隔一段時間就會有一種東西在短期內造成風潮,一下是蛋塔,一下是竹炭產品。要如何形容某樣產品十分熱門?你可以說:This is the hottest product right now.(hottest 是「最熱門的」),This is the in product right now.(in 為「時髦的、超流行的」)。也可說:This is all the rage.(這東西超火)。另一種說法是:This product is selling like hot cakes.這裡的hot cakes 是「賣得超快超好」之意。

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【聯合晚報╱記者張博亭/即時報導】2011.11.01 01:10 pm

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Does having a sweet tooth make a person more agreeable and friendly? New research suggests there could be a link between taste preferences and disposition. Scientists in the United States found that a liking for sweeter foods is an indication that a person is more agreeable and helpful, but not extroverted or neurotic.

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Thailand’s worst floods in five decades are bearing down on the capital just as the high season for tourism gets under way, putting this year’s official target of 19 million visitors in doubt, government and tourist officials said on Tuesday.

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【文/周強(LCCI國際專業認證 商用英文培訓師)】



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