- May 11 Fri 2012 16:55
生活學英文 她多益拿900分.
- May 11 Fri 2012 09:40
閒談中學好英文的安雪兒老師 (Teacher Anchel)
閒談中學好英文的安雪兒老師 (Teacher Anchel)
- May 10 Thu 2012 18:43
有創意又有趣的法蘭西斯老師 (Teacher Francis)
有創意又有趣的法蘭西斯老師 (Teacher Francis)
- May 10 Thu 2012 17:24
風趣又好玩的凱希老師 (Teacher Kathy)
風趣又好玩的凱希老師 (Teacher Kathy)
- May 10 Thu 2012 09:42
KUSO英文小辭典─Don’t be so indecisive! 別三心兩意!
說一個人「三心二意」,通常是指此人常改變心意、做了決定又一直更改。對付這種人,我們可說:Don’t be so indecisive!這裡indecisive 是從decision(決定)來的,意為「無決斷力的;優柔寡斷的」,此外可說:Don’t be so fickle. fickle是「易變的,反覆無常的」。如果講了這些還是無法讓此人「一心一意」,這時便可以直接對他說:Please make up your mind!(下定決心吧!)
- May 07 Mon 2012 11:00
中英對照》Boy in China sells kidney to buy iPhone 中國少年賣腎買iPhone
A teenage high-school student in China sold his kidney for an illicit transplant operation and used the proceeds to buy an Apple iPhone and iPad, state press said.
- May 02 Wed 2012 10:19
學英日語,Hello Kitty限量版 icash悠遊卡免費送!再送儲值金500元
- May 02 Wed 2012 09:48
BBC學英文Express English-Honesty」
BBC Learning English - Express English
Click here to listen to what some people in London told us, and see the words:
- Apr 30 Mon 2012 09:33
- Apr 30 Mon 2012 09:29
Daniel 老師教學積極又細心,會讓你享受在英文世界裡!