Singapore’s SingTel has developed an application to rival the voice-activated Siri on the iPhone 4S that is sure to go down well in the island state -- because it can understand "Singlish".
新加坡的新電信公司已經開發出一種能與iPhone 4S手機中用語音啟動的Siri程式較勁的應用程式,這種程式保證會在這個島國受到歡迎,因為它聽得懂「星式英語」。
When Apple unveiled its latest handset earlier last month most of the talk was about Siri, which can give directions or even advice to users simply by asking a question into the speaker.
However, since the new phone went on sale there have been numerous reports of Siri either responding with a completely irrelevant answer or simply saying it does not understand.
But Singapore Telecom (SingTel) says its new app, DeF!ND, will help Singaporeans who use "Singlish" -- a localised form of English with words borrowed from Asian languages -- avoid such problems.
“We have a voice application capability in DeF!ND that is unique because it understands the local language... which the voice recognition engine within an international device like Apple doesn’t quite have,” SingTel Singapore chief executive Allen Lew said after the launch.
“When we tried to test different voice recognition systems including... Siri, we found that the Singaporean accent is pretty unique and the common international voice recognition systems don’t quite pick up the nuance of how we speak,” Lew added.
tongue-tied:形容詞,指(因膽怯、害羞、困惑或驚訝等而)說不出話來,如She became tongue-tied whenever he was around.(只要他在場,她就會變得說不出話來。)
pick up:片語,指學到或注意到某事,如You’d have to know him extremely well to pick up details like that.(你得要跟他非常熟識才能注意到類似那樣的細節。)
nuance:名詞,指(色調、音調、意義或理解等方面的)細微差異,如The painter has managed to capture every nuance of the woman’s expression.(畫家成功捕捉到這名女子表情裡的所有細微差別。)