1. What is important to you in a job?  這個工作對你最重要的是什麼?

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Tim discovers Khalid hiding in the bathroom - but why? Find out more in episode 101 - Smoking in the loo - from BBC Learning English.

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W020091127384514010032.jpg  Few instruments can be gentler than the harp, but authorities in New York’s Central Park have branded street musicians like harpist Meta Epstein a public disturbance and want them driven out.  (點我說給你聽)


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He’s not my cup of tea.(他不是我的菜)。 (點我說給你聽)

遇到喜歡自己、但自己並不喜歡的對象時,我們該怎麼拒絕呢?似乎找任何藉口都很虛假,這時倒不如直截了當地告訴對方:「You’re not my cup of tea.」告訴對方「你不是我喜歡的類型」。另一個常見的用法還有You’re not my type.,同樣都是「不是我的菜」之意。

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English爆冰價(限40堂專案起,原價NT: 12,800 元) 


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blog_ninja.jpg  興趣廣泛的忍者老師 (Teacher Ninja)

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blog_lovely.jpg  商務英文專家樂蒂老師 (Teacher Lovely)


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看到吃飽閒閒不工作、打定主意讓父母養的「米蟲」,便可以說:Quit sponging off your family。(點我說給你聽)

這裡的sponge原本是名詞「海綿」,變成動詞片語sponge off 就是「過寄生生活」之意。此外還可以說:Stop living off your family.Stop mooching off your family.(mooch是乞討、揩油。)Don’t bum off your family.(bum是乞討之意。) 


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s8G.jpg  McDonald’s chief executive Jim Skinner has stood by the fast-food chain’s trademark clown Ronald McDonald. On Wednesday, a group of 550 healthcare workers wrote to McDonald’s asking it to stop marketing to children using methods such as toys and the clown. (點我說給你聽)


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