blog-noname     有創意又有趣的法蘭西斯老師 (Teacher Francis)


My name is Francis Ryan Abao, and I was born under the sign of Pisces in the year of the Sheep. I took up Psychology in the University of the Philippines because I wanted to easily relate to other people. I've worked for GoFluent, which is a provider of Skype lessons for European students. For me teaching ESL is a way to apply Psychology because you have to know what kind of topics attract students.


I've also worked for two years in the call center industry, specifically in telecommunications. This type of work is very challenging and interesting, especially for people who like technology and gadgets. I've learned a lot as an English trainer by using business English in call center environments.

我從事call center工作已經有兩年的時間,特別是在電信這個部份,這類型的工作非常有趣,也非常有挑戰性,特別是對於科技產業非常有興趣的人來說。現在,我也正在培訓將成為一位商用英文的老師。

My students can expect creative classes from me because of my Piscean side. For me, motivation is finding out what their interests are and using them as a springboard to learning.



諮詢專線: 0809-090-566   手機請撥: 04-3704-2882

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