目前分類:Hi家教老師介紹 (56)

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 blog_chantal.jpg  多才多藝的泉特爾老師 (Teacher Chantal)


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 blog_angelica.jpg     熱愛教學的安潔莉卡老師 (Teacher Angelica)


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blog-del.jpg   熱情活潑的戴爾老師 (Teacher Del)

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 blog_edith.jpg 親切熱情的伊迪絲老師(Teacher Edith)


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Barbara fixed.jpg  擅長美式英文的Teacher Babara(芭芭拉)

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Tina blog.jpg 文學專家堤娜老師 (Teacher Tina)

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Ron3.jpg  亞洲教學經驗豐富的Teacher RON(朗老師)


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shey.jpg  熱情開朗的Teacher Shey(雪老師)


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Mostly Thai 008.JPG   亞洲專家Teacher William (威廉)


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mike.jpg 自信熱情的Teacher Mike(馬克)

Hi! My name is Mike. I’m a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Nursing. My teaching experience covers a wide array of subjects and levels. I have taught both children and adults and have had the pleasure of teaching English online. It has also provided me with first-hand knowledge of the language skills needed to live, work, or travel abroad.

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My name is Brett , I’m Australian. After receiving my diploma in theatre arts, I worked in various theatre and television productions throughout Australia. As an actor, you discover not only the power of the written word but also the way it sounds, and how it can affect both emotionally and physically.

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Hello to everyone! My name is Sean and I’m from the United States of America, born in the beautiful state of New York. I moved to Taiwan to be with my girlfriend in September of 2006 and now we are married. I learned about Taiwan back in 2005 when I worked for a big glass-making corporation in Taichung that has many factories around the world; during this time is when I met my wife. After returning to the U.S.A, I always remembered the great food, fun, and the many people I met that told me they were English teachers. I found that being an English teacher is something that I might want to try. A lot of my jobs when I was growing up were working closely with people of many ages in many different places, this was because I had a passion to work with people and do the best I can to make a difference and make changes in their lives any way I can.

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teacher RJ.JPG  活潑外向的Teacher RJ  (RJ老師)


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nina blog.jpg 口音道地的Teacher Nina (妮娜)


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照片 092.jpg   

認真可愛的 Teacher Jahan (潔漢)

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